QualityOne Vaults allow users to view plotted graphs of inspection data for material assessment and quality control improvements. You can set up control charts to assist users by including a Control Chart section within Material object records, enabling users to apply filters and generate a control chart that visualizes manually entered, related Inspection Management data.

To set up control charts:

  1. In the Material object layout, click Insert Section.
  2. Select Control Chart.
  3. Optional: Enter a Section Label.
  4. Choose Date Range or Sample Count from the drop-down.
  5. Click Done.
  6. Click Save.

When inserting the Control Chart section into the Material object layout, the Date Range field can be configured to show a range of dates or to show a number of samples (Sample Count) based on the Test Result Date field on the Inspection Sample Test Result object. This field defaults to Date Range if left unchanged. The Supplier Location field name can change to Facility based on the procurement type of the material. The field displays Supplier Location values for Purchased Items and displays Facility values for Manufactured Items. If the procurement type is not a purchased or manufactured item, the field name defaults to Supplier Location. Ensure users have the correct Read permissions and object layout configuration.

Configuring User Permissions

You must ensure users have the appropriate read and create permissions to access the appropriate objects and object fields in addition to the permissions outlined below:

You must ensure users have the Read permissions for the Material, Inspection Plan, Inspection Sample Test Result, Characteristic, Facility, and Organization objects to be able to generate control charts.

You can complete all the steps in this article with the standard System Administrator or Vault Owner security profile. If your Vault uses custom security profiles, your profile must grant the following permissions:

Type Permission Controls
Security Profile Application: Vault Owner Actions: All Object Records: All Object Record Read Ability to view Vault object records and Control Charts.