External Collaboration Management uses the External Collaborator User Templates component for automated creation of Users from Persons. These templates attempt to create a User record as per their configurations, filling in details from the values present on the Person record.

Contact your Veeva Representative to create External Collaborator User Templates.

About Username Pattern

The Username Pattern field on an External Collaborator User Template defines the resulting username through the use of dynamic tokens. These tokens can take the information from a given Person record or the Person’s related Organization record. This field only supports tokens for Text, Number, Formula, and Lookup field values.

This field also supports a special token, ${PersonEmailPrefix}, which resolves to the portion of an email address before the “@” symbol. For example, if the email address listed on the Person record is “Jane.Doe@veesupplier.com”, the token resolves to “Jane.Doe”.

Example Username Pattern

An example Username Pattern in a Vault with the recommended Organization object configuration is the following:


For a Person with the email address “Jane.Doe@veesupplier.com”, an Email Suffix value of “VeeSupp” and whose User account is activated on the “veecorp.com” domain, this Username Pattern resolves to “Jane.Doe-VeeSupp@veecorp.com”. You must ensure any tokens referenced in the username pattern will not resolve to extremely long values, as generated usernames are still subject to the length and content requirements of a Vault user’s username.

Configuring the Organization Object

Optionally, you can ensure there is appropriate data to construct a username for the created user. Add a field to the Organization object to contain an appropriate username suffix, for example Email Suffix (email_suffix__c). We strongly recommend you follow this step as this allows you to easily track and find External User accounts related to their organizations. This helps to avoid conflicts in automatically generated usernames for external collaborators.