QualityOne Vaults let you generate translated copies of finalized HACCP Plans for local factory use. To prepare your Vault for HACCP Translation, you must first follow the steps to configure HACCP Management in your Vault and create a HACCP Plan Design to copy and translate.

HACCP Translation is available for all languages supported for Vault UI translation. Translated fields must be text fields.

HACCP Translation Terminology

This article uses the following terminology to refer to HACCP Translation concepts:

  • HACCP Plan Design: A model HACCP Plan that can be translated for local factory use.
  • Master data object: A type of reference object in the HACCP data model that defines generic data used to create transactional records across multiple HACCP Plans. For instance, users can create HACCP Plan Process Steps using predefined Process Steps.
  • Transactional object: An object in the HACCP data model that stores data for specific HACCP Plans. For instance, HACCP Plan Process Steps represent steps in a specific HACCP Plan.
  • Translation companion object: An object that corresponds to a master data object and that stores translated copies of transactional or master data. See Standard Translation Companion Objects for a list of these objects.
  • Translation copy: A translated copy of an approved model HACCP Plan Design that factories can then copy for local use.

Standard Translation Companion Objects

QualityOne uses the following core objects and object types to support HACCP Translation:

  • HACCP Translation Generation (haccp_translation_generation__v): This object stores information about a translation copy of a HACCP Plan.
  • Critical Control Translation (ccp_library_translation__v): This object stores the translation of CCP Library reference records.
    • Control Measure (control_measure__v): This Critical Control Translation object type stores the translation of Control Measures.
    • CCP (ccp__v): This Critical Control Translation object type stores the translation of CCPs.
    • OPRP (oprp__v): This Critical Control Translation object type stores the translation of OPRPs.
    • Prerequisite Program (prerequisite_program__v): This Critical Control Translation object type stores the translation of Prerequisite Programs.
  • Detectability Translation (detectability_translation__v): This object stores the translation of Detectability reference records.
    • Qualitative Detectability (qualitative_detectability__v): This Detectability Translation object type stores the translation of Qualitative Detectabilities.
    • Quantitative Detectability (quantitative_detectability__v): This Detectability Translation object type stores the translation of Quantitative Detectabilities.
  • Formulation Translation (formulation_translation__v): This object stores the translation of Formulation reference records.
  • Hazard Translation (hazard_translation__v): This object stores the translation of Hazard reference records.
  • Material Translation (material_translation__v): This object stores the translation of Material reference records. Unlike other translation companion objects, you cannot configure data from this object to display on object layouts.
  • Occurrence Translation (occurrence_translation__v): This object stores the translation of Occurrence reference records.
    • Qualitative Occurrence (occurrence_qualitative__v): This Occurrence Translation object type stores the translation of Qualitative Occurrences.
    • Quantitative Occurrence (occurrence_quantitative__v): This Occurrence Translation object type stores the translation of Quantitative Occurrences.
  • Process Step Translation (process_step_translation__v): This object stores the translation of Process Step reference records.
    • Connector (diagram_connector__v): This Process Step object type stores the translation of Connectors.
    • Logistics Step (logistics_step__v): This Process Step object type stores the translation of Logistics Steps.
    • Material Step (material_step__v): This Process Step object type stores the translation of Material Steps.
    • Process Step (process_step__v): This Process Step object type stores the translation of Process Steps.
  • Risk Level Translation (risk_level_translation__v): This object stores the translation of Risk Level reference records.
  • Risk Matrix Translation (risk_matrix_translation__v): This object stores the translation of Risk Matrix reference records.
    • Risk Matrix - Qualitative (risk_matrix_qualitative__v): This Risk Matrix Translation object type stores the translation of Risk Matrix - Qualitative type Risk Matrix records.
    • Risk Matrix - Quantitative (risk_matrix_quantitative__v): This Risk Matrix Translation object type stores the translation of Risk Matrix - Quantitative type Risk Matrix records.

See Configuring HACCP Management: HACCP Management Objects for more information about the reference and transactional objects in the HACCP data model.

If your organization uses custom master data objects, you must configure additional translation companion objects.

Configuration Overview

Configuring your Vault to use HACCP Translation involves the following steps:

Configuring Translation Generation User Actions

Add the following record actions to the HACCP Plan object and as user actions on the relevant HACCP Plan Lifecycle states to make them available on HACCP Plan records:

  • Generate Translation Copy
  • Export Translatable Fields
  • Import Translatable Fields

Defining Custom Master Data Objects

If your organization uses custom master data objects in HACCP Plans, you must configure these objects for translation by creating HACCP Master Data Object records. When you create a HACCP Master Data Object record, Vault creates a translation companion object to store translated data for the custom object.

To create a HACCP Master Data Object record:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Application Configurations > HACCP Master Data Objects.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter a Name.
  4. Select a Master Data Object.
  5. Optional: Enter a Parent Object Reference. This value must be a field on the master data object that refers to another existing master data object.
  6. Leave the Translation Companion Object field blank and click Save.

When creating a new translation companion object, Vault does not copy fields from the reference object to the translation companion object. Add any required fields to the newly created translation companion object. Add a Lookup field to the translation companion object for any object reference fields on the custom master data object that use reference constraints that need to be translated.

Defining Custom Transactional Objects

If your organization uses custom transactional objects as part of your HACCP Plan, you must configure these objects for inclusion in HACCP deep copy actions by creating HACCP Plan Copy Object records. The HACCP Plan Copy Object component specifies which transactional records are copied when the Create HACCP Plan from Design, Create HACCP Plan Design from Design, and Generate Translation Copy actions run.

The pre-configured HACCP Plan Copy Object records in your Vault cover the standard transactional objects. You can create HACCP Plan Copy Object records to include additional custom objects in the deep copy actions, or modify existing records as needed.

Vault automatically copies all fields configured on the custom transactional object except for object reference fields that must contain the value of a translated object record. You must set the Name (name__v) field to be system-managed for all custom and standard transactional objects. To configure Vault to reference the translated version of transactional records in object reference fields, you can create HACCP Plan Copy Object Field records.

To create a new HACCP Plan Copy Object:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Application Configurations > HACCP Plan Copy Objects.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Optional: Enter a Label.
  4. Enter a Name.
  5. Select an Object.
  6. Enter a Reference Field in the following format: Field.[field_name__v]. For example, Field.haccp_plan__v. This value must be an existing object reference or parent object reference field that refers to a transactional object.
  7. Optional: Enter a Join Field.
  8. Optional: Enter a Self Reference Field. This value is required to configure Vault to reference the translated version of a record in a self-referencing field.
  9. Enter a Create Order. This value must be unique across HACCP Plan Copy Objects.
  10. Enter a Create Stage. The Create Stage must match the Create Order.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Optional: To configure Vault to reference translated transactional records on the translation copy of a HACCP Plan Copy Object, click Create under the HACCP Plan Copy Object Fields section.
  13. Enter a Name.
  14. Enter a Field in the following format: field_name__v. This value must be an existing object reference or parent object reference field that refers to another transactional object.
  15. Set the Copy Behaviour to SWAP_VALUE.
  16. Click Save.

Configuring Translated Master Data to Display in Details Sections

You can configure fields that reference master data records to display translated field data in the Details section of object records. The Translated Field control field is available on the object layout for the following objects:

  • HACCP Plan Process Step
  • HACCP Hazard Control
  • Process Hazard Analysis
  • CCP-Hazard Analysis

All translated fields must refer to master data objects that have a corresponding translation companion object.

To display translated field data in the Details section of records:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Object Setup > Objects > [Target Object] > Layouts.
  2. Click on the layout on which you wish to display translated field data.
  3. Under Details, click Add (+).
  4. Select the Translated Field control field with the slider (Slider Icon) icon.
  5. In the Add Translated Field dialog, select the Field to Translate. Object reference fields configured on the target object that refer to translation companion objects are available to select.
  6. Click Save.

You can display translated data from standard and custom master data objects in fields on related object sections on HACCP Plan, Process Hazard Analysis, and Ingredient Hazard Analysis records. This requires configuring HACCP App Controls for Related Section component records. When configured, translated master data displays in a column of the related object section. You must create a HACCP App Controls for Related Section record for each related object section that displays translated master data.

The following objects are configurable as translated related object sections:

  • HACCP Hazard Control
  • HACCP Plan Process Step
  • Process Hazard Analysis
  • CCP-Hazard Analysis

Before you start, complete the following prerequisites:

  • The reference object for which you wish to display translated field data must have a translation companion object.
  • The fields you wish to display in the related object section must exist on both the master data object and its translation companion object.
  • A related object section is configured on the layout of the object on which you wish to display translated field data in a related object section.

To configure a related object section to display translated field data:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Application Configurations > Component Setup > HACCP App Controls for Related Sections.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter a Name.
  4. Select a Related Object.
  5. Leave the Enable App Control on Section checkbox blank or set to No.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Under the HACCP Related Object Translation App Controls section on the newly created HACCP App Controls for Related Section record, click Create.
  8. Enter a Name.
  9. Select a Related Object. This value must match the object specified in the parent record.
  10. Enter a Field in the following format: Field.[field_name__v]. For example, Field.process_step__v.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Create a HACCP Related Object Translation App Controls record for each field you wish to display in the related object section.
  13. Under the HACCP Related Object Sections header on the HACCP App Controls for Related Section record, click Create.
  14. Enter a Name.
  15. Select an Object on which to display the related object section.
  16. Click Save.
  17. Click Edit on the original HACCP App Controls for Related Section record.
  18. Set the Enable App Control on Section checkbox to Yes.
  19. Click Save.
  20. Navigate to a HACCP Plan record through Business Admin > HACCP Plans or a HACCP tab.
  21. Open the Actions menu of the related object section and select Edit Columns.
  22. Select and add the column for the translation companion object in the Select Columns to Display dialog.
  23. Click Save.

Displaying Translated Master Data on the HACCP Flow Diagram

Vault automatically displays available translated field data for all standard master data objects and any configured custom master data objects on the HACCP Flow Diagram’s canvas, Information panel, and record selection dialogs.

Configuring Translated Reference Constraints

If you have reference constraints configured on transactional objects to filter the related master data records that users can select, you must create HACCP Translated Field Criteria records to ensure Vault filters the translated records properly.

Before creating a HACCP Translated Field Criteria record, you must add a Lookup field to the target translation companion object referencing the object relationship and field that the criteria VQL uses.

Lookup field example configuration

To ensure Vault can filter translated records properly, review the limitations on criteria VQL before you begin.

To create HACCP Translated Field Criteria:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Application Configurations > Component Setup > HACCP Translated Field Criteria.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter a Name.
  4. Select a Transactional Object.
  5. Enter the Object field using criteria in the following format: Field.[object_field_name__v]. For example, Field.facility__v. This must be a field on the object for which you are creating the related object section and its translation companion object.
  6. Enter the Criteria for the translated field.
  7. Click Save.

HACCP Translated Field Criteria example configuration

Limitations on Translated Criteria VQL

In addition to the Platform-level limitations affecting static and dynamic reference constraints, the following limitations apply to criteria VQL in reference constraints for translated records:

  • You can configure criteria VQL only on object reference fields. Document reference fields are not supported.
  • Only object reference fields and single-value picklist fields are supported as controlling fields in dynamic reference constraints.
  • Tokens in criteria VQL statements must be in one (1) of the following formats:
    • {{this.field_name}}
    • {{this.relationship_name.field_name}}
    • {{this.object_type_name__vr.field_name__v}}
  • Functions are not supported. For instance, the following function is not supported: {{IN_LAST(numberOfDays)}

Configuring User Permissions

To use HACCP Translation, users must have the same permissions on all standard and custom translation companion objects as on their corresponding master data objects. Users must also have the standard permissions for HACCP Management.