QualityOne Vaults let you generate translated copies of finalized HACCP Plans for local factory use. To translate HACCP Plans, you must first follow the steps in Configuring HACCP Management and Configuring HACCP Translation.

HACCP Translation is available for all languages supported for Vault UI translation. Translated fields must be text fields.

Depending on your Admin’s configuration, object, field, and section labels may appear differently than the labels mentioned in this article.

HACCP Translation Terminology

This article uses the following terminology to refer to HACCP Translation concepts:

  • HACCP Plan Design: A model HACCP Plan that can be translated for local factory use.
  • Master data object: A library object in the HACCP data model that defines generic reference data used to create transactional data records across multiple HACCP Plans. For instance, users can create HACCP Plan Process Steps using predefined Process Steps.
  • Transactional data object: An object in the HACCP data model that stores data for specific HACCP Plans. For instance, HACCP Plan Process Steps represent steps in a specific HACCP Plan.
  • Translation companion object: An object that corresponds to a master data object and that stores translated copies of transactional or master data.
  • Translation copy: A translated copy of an approved model HACCP Plan Design that factories can then copy for local use.

About the HACCP Translation Process

The general HACCP Translation process is as follows:

  1. Create a HACCP Plan Design.
  2. Generate a translation copy of the HACCP Plan Design.
  3. Export translatable fields and edit the translation file.
  4. Import translated field data.
  5. Trace the source of copied HACCP Plans using Comparison IDs.

About HACCP Translation Generation Records

When you generate a translation copy of a HACCP Plan, Vault creates a HACCP Translation Generation record that you can use to track the translation request’s progress. After each translation action runs, the record’s lifecycle state updates depending on the status of the translation request.

Generating a Translation Copy

To generate a translation copy of a HACCP Plan:

  1. Navigate to Business Admin > Objects > HACCP Plans and select a HACCP Plan to translate.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Generate Translation Copy.
  3. Select the Language. Only languages available in your Vault are displayed in the picklist.
  4. Click Continue.

After the Generate Translation Copy action runs, Vault sends a notification and creates a HACCP Translation Generation record. If the copy was successful, Vault sets its lifecycle state to Ready for Export. If there were errors during the copy, Vault sets its lifecycle state to Initiated.

Exporting HACCP Plan Translations

To export a HACCP Plan for translation, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the translation copy of the HACCP Plan you wish to translate.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Export Translatable Fields.
  3. Download and open the generated file.
  4. In the file, you can view and update all fields available for translation and any existing translations for the selected language.
  5. When done, save the file. While editing, only execute Save on the file and do not use Save As to save the file in a different location or save it as a native file. To move or rename the file, use your operating system, rather than your text editing software’s Save As option.

Vault sends a notification when your translation finishes exporting. If the export was successful, Vault sets the corresponding HACCP Translation Generation record to Export Complete.

Import the Translated Field Data

To import an updated translation file:

  1. Navigate to the translation copy of the target HACCP Plan.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Import Translatable Fields.
  3. Click Choose File in the dialog and upload the updated JSON file.
  4. Click Submit.

Vault sends a notification when your translation file finishes importing. If import is successful, Vault updates the HACCP Translation Generation record associated with the HACCP Plan to the Import Complete lifecycle state.


You cannot edit the value of controlling fields from related object sections if their dependent fields have values (for instance, in object relationships where a controlling field is configured, or if there is VQL criteria constraining the available records to select). To update these values, directly edit them on the applicable object record.