QualityOne Vaults allow you to create variant records to help Vault identify and extract critical information from CoA files as part of an inspection. The COA Ingestion Setup panel simplifies variant record creation, enabling you to complete CoA variant setup and file analysis all from a single page.
Depending on your Admin’s configuration, object, field, and section labels may appear differently than the labels mentioned in this article.
Note: This feature is currently available only to Early Adopters. Contact your Veeva Representative for more details.
About the CoA Ingestion Setup Panel
The COA Ingestion Setup panel provides a single interface for setting up variant records.
The panel has the following conventions and behavior:
- The panel displays on the Doc Info page for CoA files, enabling you to set up CoA variants while viewing your CoA file.
- For the COA Setup Panel (
) icon to be available next to a CoA file, the Inspection record for the CoA file you are analyzing must have an associated Inspection Plan.
- The panel displays sections for Details, Header Fields, Table Columns, and Test Results.
- Clicking on a section’s label minimizes or expands the section.
- The Header Fields, Table Columns, and Test Results sections list the following information as plain text:
- COA Matching Fields defined in COA Matching Rule records.
- Characteristics defined in Inspection Plan Requirements belonging to the Inspection Plan with which the CoA file is associated.
- When you save your setup, Vault saves the variant values you entered by creating different types of object records, depending on the value for which you are creating the variant. You can set up one (1) variant per listed term each time you save a setup.
You can interact with the panel in the following ways:
- To launch the panel, navigate to a document in your Vault Library with a subtype of Certificate of Analysis and click the COA Setup Panel (
) icon.
- To view the latest updates to records in the panel, click the Refresh (
) icon.
- To switch to edit mode, click the Edit () icon.
- While in edit mode, clicking into an input field next to a matching rule or characteristic reveals a settings () icon that you can click to open the Advanced Options dialog.
- In the Advanced Options dialog, you can add and update information about the supplier, the variant text, and variant type.
- To exit edit mode and save your setup, click Save.
About the Details Section
The Details section displays fields that you can update to populate the field values of variant records created from the panel. The fields display as empty on panel launch even if the corresponding Inspection contains values for these fields. Updating the values from the panel does not update the values on the associated Inspection record and does not override any values entered in a variant’s Advanced Options dialog.
When configured by your Admin, you can click the Analyze COA action button in the panel while in View mode to check your variant setup. After you run the action, the panel displays the header fields, table columns, and test results that match with terms in the CoA file next to their corresponding matching fields and characteristics. If Vault finds matching terms using a strategy other than matching to variant records, the field value displays as Found in the panel. When triggered from the panel, the Analyze COA action runs the same as when triggered on an Inspection record, including creating new Inspection Sample Test Result records.
About the Panel Sections
The following sections in the COA Ingestion Setup panel display different types of object record data and let you create corresponding CoA variant records:
- Header Fields: Displays the COA Matching Fields of existing Header Key type COA Matching Rules, and lets you create new COA Matching Rule Variants.
- Table Keys: Displays the COA Matching Fields of existing Table Column type COA Matching Rules, and lets you create new COA Matching Rule Variants.
- Test Results: Displays up to 100 global Characteristics defined for a Material in the associated Inspection Plan’s Inspection Plan Requirements. This section lets you create the following variant records:
- For Characteristics defined as Variable Specifications in the Inspection Plan Requirements, you can create new Characteristic Matching Variants from the panel and Unit Matching Variants for their Units from the Variable Attribute’s Advanced Options dialog.
- For Characteristics defined as Attribute Specifications in the Inspection Plan Requirements, you can create Characteristic Matching Variants from the panel, and Verdict and Attribute Test Result Variants from the Advanced Options dialog.
You can set the value of the Component Matching Rule field from the Advanced Options dialog. If you do not set this value, Vault sets it to Contains.
Setting Up Variant Records
To set up CoA variants using the COA Ingestion Setup panel, do the following:
- Navigate to the CoA file you want to analyze.
- Click the COA Setup Panel (
) icon to launch the COA Ingestion Setup panel.
- Click the Edit () icon.
- Optional: Update the fields in the Details section.
- Click into the field beside the item for which you want to configure variants and do the following:
- Enter your variant text directly into the field. When you are finished, click out of the field and into another field to update it.
- Click the settings () icon next to the field to open the Advanced Options dialog to update additional information about the variant. From here you can also enter information to create another type of variant record, if available. When you are finished, click Close.
- When you are finished entering variant information, click Save.
- Optional: Click the Analyze COA button to test your configuration.
- Repeat as required in order to create more than one (1) variant per listed term.
When you save your variant setup, Vault creates new variant records based on the values you entered into the fields in the panel and the Advanced Options dialog. Vault does not create new records for fields left empty. If there was a problem creating any of the records, Vault displays an error message and returns the panel to edit mode without creating any new records.
The following limitations apply to the COA Ingestion Setup panel:
- The panel does not support setting up Below Detectable Limit Variants.
- The panel does not support updating or deleting previously created variant records.