QualityOne Vaults enable users to generate a printable view of information in an Audit, including all audit checklists, Audit Findings, and supporting images from the Audit. Users can download and save the view as a printable PDF file, enabling your organization to collate and organize audit data in a user-friendly format.

Configuration Overview

Configuring your Vault to use audit report printable views involves the following steps:

  1. Create an XML Configuration
  2. Create an Audit Report Configuration
  3. Configure the Generate Audit Report Printable View action
  4. Configure user permissions

Creating an XML Configuration

You must create an XML configuration to define the data order and format of the view, including the related object records that will appear in the printable view, the fields that will display, as well as the format: table or two-column.

XML Configuration Structure

The example XML configuration below includes all basic information structures available for printable views. The XML structure includes these basic element sections:

  • A required top-level <vault:page xmins:vault="VeevaVault"> element that contains all configuration data
  • An optional element that sets the page title of the printable view
  • Data from the target Audit record
  • Data from related objects, such as Audit Finding, Organization, and any custom objects configured in your Vault
  • Data from the Team section of the Audit record

Page Title

You can optionally define the title of the printable view using the <vault:pageTitle> element. Titles cannot exceed 255 characters. You can optionally specify a font size using the fontSize attribute. Font size defaults to 24px if this attribute is not defined.

Audit Data Section

You can display data from an Audit record in the printable view with the <vault:section> element. When configured on the Audit object, the element has the following attributes:

  • type: The value of this required attribute must be TARGET_OBJECT.
  • title: Optionally define a title to display above the section. Titles cannot exceed 255 characters.
  • object: The target object of this required attribute must be Audit (audit__qdm).
  • hide: Setting the value of this optional attribute to true hides this section.

You can optionally use the <vault:section> attribute to display data from an object related to the Audit object. You can define the following attributes for this section type:

  • type: The value of this required attribute must be RELATED_OBJECT.
  • title: Optionally define a title to display above the section. Titles cannot exceed 255 characters.
  • object: The related object.
  • hide: Setting the value of this optional attribute to true hides this section.
  • objectType: Optionally define the object type for the section.
  • relationship: The value of this required attribute must specify the name of the relationship between the related object and the Audit object.
  • embeddedImages: Optionally specify if an Audit Findings related object section contains images.

Team Data Section

You can optionally use the <vault:section> attribute to display Team information associated with the target Audit, such as Team Roles and Team Role membership. The following attributes are available for this section type:

  • type: The value of this required attribute must be TEAM.
  • title: Optionally define a title to display above the section. Titles cannot exceed 255 characters.
  • hide: Setting the value of this optional attribute to true hides this section.


You can include an optional <vault:description> element to display a description in any type of section. Descriptions cannot exceed 1500 characters.

Object Detail Layouts

The <vault:objectDetail> element displays field data within target or related object data sections. This element contains an optional layout attribute that determines how Vault displays data in that section. The following values are available for this attribute:

  • Two-Columns: A two-column block that displays the field name and corresponding data. This layout option works well for multiple short- to medium-length fields. If the layout attribute is not defined, data displays in a two-column layout.
  • Table: A standard table format. Each column in the table displays data from one (1) field. This layout option works well for sections with multiple data entries, such as the Audit Finding section. For an optimal user experience, we recommend including up to five (5) columns per table.

Field Data

Within <vault:objectDetail> elements in target and related object sections, you can list out the field data with the <vault:field> element, using the following attributes:

  • name: The value of this required attribute must contain the name of a field you wish to display in the report.
  • relationship: This optional attribute contains the name of the outbound relationship of the target or related object to another object. Include this attribute to display field data from an object record referenced on the target or related object record. The relationship referenced in this attribute must be defined in the list of outbound relationships on the target or related object for which you are configuring the section.
  • hyperlink: This optional attribute specifies if the field should be a clickable link to an object record in Vault.

Example XML Configuration

Consider the following example XML configuration that you can copy and customize to create a configuration for your organization.

<vault:page xmlns:vault="VeevaVault">
<vault:pageTitle fontSize="24">CORPORATE QUALITY AUDIT REPORT</vault:pageTitle>
<vault:section type="TARGET_OBJECT" title="Audit Details" object="audit__qdm" hide="false">
       <vault:objectDetail layout="Two-Column">
          <vault:field name="name__v"  hyperlink="true"/>
          <vault:field name="title__v" />       
          <vault:field name="audit_criteria__qdm" /> 
          <vault:field name="state__v" />
<vault:section type="TARGET_OBJECT" title="Audit Dates" object="audit__qdm">
       <vault:objectDetail layout="Two-Column">
          <vault:field name="scheduled_start_date__qdm" />
          <vault:field name="scheduled_end_date__qdm" />
          <vault:field name="actual_start_date__qdm" />
          <vault:field name="actual_end_date__qdm" />  
<vault:section type="TARGET_OBJECT" title="Facility Information" object="audit__qdm">
       <vault:objectDetail layout="Two-Column">
          <vault:field relationship="facility__vr" name="name__v" /> 
          <vault:field relationship="facility__vr" name="number__v" /> 
          <vault:field relationship="facility__vr" name="address__v" /> 
          <vault:field relationship="facility__vr" name="risk_classification__v" /> 
<vault:section type="TEAM" title="Audit Team">
       <vault:objectDetail layout="Two-Column" />
<vault:section type="RELATED_OBJECT" title="Finding Summary" object="audit_finding__v" relationship="audit__vr" embeddedImages="true">
<vault:description>All findings identified during the audit are captured within the table below: </vault:description>
       <vault:objectDetail layout="Table">
          <vault:field name="name__v" hyperlink="true" />
          <vault:field name="title__v" />
          <vault:field name="finding_type__v" />
          <vault:field relationship="department__vr" name="name__v" />

Creating an Audit Report Configuration

Once all respondents have completed their assigned checklists, the lead auditor can generate a printable view including all checklists, audit findings, and any images added to audit findings from an Audit. Auditors can download, save, and print a PDF file of the printable view.

You must create Audit Report Configuration (auditreportconfiguration) component records to define how the audit report displays and the information included in the report.

To create an Audit Report Configuration:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Application Configurations > Audit Report Configuration.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter a Label.
  4. Enter a Name.
  5. Upload a Header Logo. Header Logo images are scaled down to fit into a 100px x 100px container. The image’s file size cannot exceed 10MB and must be in one (1) of the following formats:
    • BMP
    • HEIF (*.heic, *.heif)
    • GIF
    • JPEG (*.jpeg, *.jpg)
    • PNG
    • SVG
    • TIFF
  6. Enter the XML Configuration. See the guidelines for authoring an XML configuration.
  7. Click Save.

Configuring the Generate Audit Report Printable View Action

You can configure the Generate Audit Report Printable View action on the Audit object to allow users to generate a printable view containing all checklists, audit findings, and supporting images in an audit. Before configuring the action, you must first assign the action to the Audit object and create an Audit Report Configuration. After these steps have been completed, configure the Generate Audit Report Printable View user action on any state of the Audit Lifecycle or any other lifecycle configured for the Audit object.

If you have more than one (1) Audit Report Configuration, you can configure more than one (1) user action to generate different types of Audit Reports. Ensure you differentiate the actions to generate different Audit Reports by clearly labelling them.

Configuring User Permissions

You must ensure users have the appropriate read permissions to access the appropriate objects and object fields in addition to the permissions outlined below:

  • Read permission on the following objects:
    • Audit
    • Audit Checklist
    • Audit Finding
    • Any related objects included or referenced in the audit report

You can complete all the steps in this article with the standard System Administrator or Vault Owner security profile. If your Vault uses custom security profiles, your profile must grant the following permissions:

Type Permission Controls
Security Profile Admin: Configuration: Object Lifecycles: Edit Ability to modify lifecycles.
Security Profile Admin: Configuration: Objects: Edit Ability to modify Vault objects.
Security Profile Pages: All Pages: Audit Report Page: View Ability to view Audit Report Configurations.