QualityOne Vaults use a system-managed job called Update Training Assignments to automate the creation and distribution of training assignments and tasks. Vault creates training assignments when learner role, curriculum, and training requirement object records are all in eligible lifecycle states. Conversely, Vault does not create training assignments for object records in retired or inactive lifecycle states.

You can determine when the job runs to best suit your requirements. Otherwise, Vault defaults the job to run once a day at midnight UTC.

About Automation Logic

All related objects records must be in their respective eligible lifecycle states for the Update Training Assignments job to create or update training assignment records.

When the Update Training Assignments job runs, Vault checks the configuration of all Person, Curriculum, Training Requirements, and Learner Role object records and creates training assignments for object records that are in eligible lifecycle states or have had changes made to their configuration. Related records for all four (4) object records must be in their eligible state, or Vault doesn’t create a training assignment.

For example, your Vault has a Quality Inspector learner role that is assigned the General GxP Documents curriculum which itself has the Employee Conduct Policies and Document Management training requirements. If New Employee’s lifecycle state is Eligible and General GxP Documents is Available, but Employee Conduct Policies is Retired, Vault only creates a training assignment for the Document Management requirement.

Person Training Eligibility

By default, Vault uses the Status field on the Person object to determine whether a Person should receive Training Assignment tasks.

Vault can use an alternate field, Training Eligibility, to determine whether a Person should receive Training Assignment tasks. Functionally, a Training Eligibility value of “Eligible” is the same as a Status of “Active”, and a Training Eligibility value of “Not Eligible” is the same as a Status of “Inactive”. Person, Lifecycle, and other Vault functionalities can also be used to set the Training Eligibility field.

When a Learner Role is added to a Person record, Vault automatically checks whether the Person object record appropriately references an active User or if another Person record references the same User. Vault displays an error when attempting to save such a Person object record. While the Training Eligibility feature is enabled, Vault does not perform this check if the Training Eligibility value is either Not Eligible or blank.

Retiring Learner Roles, Curricula, or Training Requirements

In the case that a particular learner role, curriculum, or training requirement is no longer needed, you can change its lifecycle state to the respective retired or inactive state. When records leave their eligible lifecycle state and enter the retired or inactive state, Vault stops creating training assignments and cancels any open training assignments associated with those object records the next time the job is run. This includes workflows and user tasks.

Versioning Documents in Training Management

Always create a draft or upload new versions of your documents to ensure that Vault continues to create training assignments.

Vault cancels previously open assignments when issuing a new Training Assignment issued for the same document. If you do not want to cancel open assignments for documents in this way, select the Keep Open Training Assignments checkbox in the Issue Training Assignment document lifecycle entry action. Learners may then have multiple Training Assignments with different document versions for the same document.

To prevent a Learner from completing training against a superseded document, configure the Cancel Open Training Assignments entry action on the Superseded document lifecycle state. When the document enters the Superceded state, Vault cancels open Training Assignments that reference the superseded document.

You can configure a document lifecycle to automatically find Training Requirement records that reference an obsolete document and change the lifecycle state to Retired. To do so, configure the Change Related Training Requirement to Retired document lifecycle entry action to the obsolete document state.

Substitute Training

If you have defined substitution rules for Training Requirements in your Vault, the Update Training Assignments job will create the primary Training Assignment in the Pending Substitute Completion (pending_substitute_completion_state__v) lifecycle state and create a join record in the Related Training Assignment (related_training_assignment__v) object. The job creates a substitute Training Assignment in the Assigned lifecycle state.

Job Status

You can view the status of the job and receive information on why/when a job did not complete. In the example above, Vault records the failure of the training assignment creation due to the training requirement Employee Conduct Policies not being in its eligible lifecycle state.

View the status of this and other jobs Vault creates in your Vault from Admin > Operations > Job Status.

QualityOne Training Job Logs

After the Update Training Assignments job runs, you can download the job log by clicking the action button on the job instance. The Update Training Assignments job log lists a count of changes that were flagged as processing, processed, and successfully completed, as well as any substitution logic that was applied. The log lists any errors that occurred during the job run.

This log also lists typical information such as Job Schedule Time and Job Execution Time.

Example Update Training Assignments Job Log

This sample job log details the results of an Update Training Assignments job that encountered an error:

Training Job Log

In this case, you can see that the job processed the following changes and evaluated their impact:

  • Two (2) Learner Role object records were associated with Person object records
  • One (1) Person object record entered the Retired state

The job then processed Training Assignments:

  • One (1) error was encountered: A Person record was associated with an inactive User record
  • Five (5) training paths were evaluated, resulting in three (3) new Training Assignments and five (5) new Training Assignment object record details