QualityOne Vaults provide different types of Training Requirements for Learners to complete their curricula. Sometimes an organization needs Learners to attend instructor-led courses as part of their training matrix requirements. Using the Classroom Training Requirement type, Training Administrators can enable Learners to fill those requirements by attending class sessions. This article describes the steps necessary to configure Classroom Training Requirements and schedule classes.

Classroom Training assignments are scheduled, instructor-led training sessions. Training Administrators can:

  • Add Learners to a class roster, who then receive notifications to attend scheduled sessions
  • Provide class materials to Learners in the form of Vault documents
  • Associate a quiz with each class session

The instructions here describe how to create an Classroom Training Requirement. See Configuring Training Management for details about creating other types of Training Requirements.

Configuring Classroom Training Overview

Configuring your Vault to use Classroom Training involves the following steps:

  1. Create a Classroom Training Requirement: Create the requirement, add any class materials, and associate it with curricula. When ready, make the requirement available for automated and direct assignment.
  2. Schedule a Class: Make a classroom training instance by creating a Class Schedule object record and associating it with an existing Training Requirement. Determine the roster for the scheduled class, schedule sessions, and associate quizzes with the Classroom Schedule. When ready, make the schedule live, triggering notifications to Learners.
  3. Grading: For the Class Schedule lifecycle, configure the Set Class Completion user action or entry action.
  4. Issuing a Quiz. For the Session-Quiz Design lifecycle, configure the Make Available user action.

About Class Rosters

Once a Training Administrator creates a Classroom Training Requirement and associates it with one or more curricula (or directly assigns it to a Learner), the Vault training job creates Classroom Training Assignment records.

As QualityOne Training issues Training Assignments, it queues up the appropriate Learners and allows the Training Administrator to populate a class roster with those queued Learners at the time they create a Class Schedule. Learn more about configuring Class Schedules below.

How to Create a Classroom Training Requirement

The following steps describe creating a Classroom Training Requirement. See Configuring QualityOne Training Management for information about creating other types of Training Requirements.

  1. Create a new Training Requirement object record from Business Admin > Objects, a custom object tab, or from the details page of the related curriculum.
  2. In the Create Training Requirement dialog, select Classroom Training Requirement from the drop-down. Once you create a Training Requirement, you cannot change its type.
  3. Fill in the required details. QualityOne Training lists the Name field internally and displays the Title on the Learner’s class details task page. Select a Class Completion Criteria:
    • Instructor sets Class Completion Status: Select this option if you want the instructor to set Class Completion Status for each Class Roster record manually after reviewing attendance and quiz grade values. See the best practices information for Class Roster for configuration recommendations.
    • System sets Class Completion Status: Select this option if you want Vault to calculate and set Class Completion Status for each Class Roster record automatically based on the Learner Attendance Status picklist value on the Session Roster record for only sessions marked as required, and, if there was a quiz, based on the Quiz Passed? value of the Quiz Issuance Tracker-related record.
  4. Optional: Select a document to provide the Learner Homepage Card Image. If your Vault has the Learner Homepage enabled, the first page of the document selected in this field will be shown as the card image in the card view.
  5. Optional: Select the Is A Substitute Training Requirement checkbox if you wish to use this Training Requirement as a substitute.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Optional: Add the Training Requirement to one or more curricula by clicking into the Training Requirement object record and clicking Add within the Curricula section.
  8. Optional: On the Training Requirement object record detail page, add any training documents to the Class Materials section. These class materials are carried over to the Class Schedule. You cannot add ZIP files as training documents in this type of Training Requirement. When documents on a Classroom Training Requirement are revised, Vault creates a Training Requirement Impact Assessment record.

The Classroom Training Requirement will not be eligible for assignment until the Training Requirement object record enters a training-eligible lifecycle state. The Update Training Assignments job creates Classroom Training Assignment records. See Best Practices for Classroom Training Configuration for more details on Classroom Training Assignment creation behavior.

Training Requirement Recurrence

QualityOne Training provides two options for scheduling recurring issuance of Training Assignments using the Recurrence Type field. If Recurrence Type is left blank, the application defaults to the Relative picklist value upon saving.

Relative Recurrence

A Training Requirement using this recurrence option can be issued at different times for different Learners. Vault calculates a relative recurrence from when the Learner was assigned a Training.

For example, if a Learner was assigned training on August 1st, 2019, the Recurrence is set to 1, and the Recurrence Unit is set to Year, Vault will assign the next training for that Learner on August 1st, 2020.

Absolute Recurrence

A Training Requirement using this recurrence option is issued at the same time for all applicable Learners. At the Next Training Date (Recurrence), Vault issues training records to Learners. Vault then automatically increments the Next Training Date (Recurrence) value based on the Recurrence and Recurrence Unit field values.

How to Schedule a Class

To create a Class Schedule:

  1. Create a new Class Schedule object record from Business Admin > Objects or a custom object tab.
  2. Fill in the required details. Vault displays text in the Class Overview field on the Learner’s class details task page. Select the Classroom Training Requirement that this class should fulfill.
  3. Click Save.

To populate the class roster with Learners:

  1. Click into a Class Schedule object record from Business Admin > Objects or a custom object tab.
  2. In the Class Roster section, click Add to open the Add to Class Roster dialog box. This dialog box lists Learners with open Training Assignments that fulfill the chosen criteria. Click the plus (+) icon in the top section of the dialog box to add additional criteria.
  3. Click the plus (+) icon next to the names of applicable Learners in the bottom section of the dialog box to add them to the class roster.
  4. Click Save to finish editing the class roster.

QualityOne Training does not create Session Roster records automatically when you add new Learners. You must configure the Update All Session Rosters action as either a user action or entry action on the Class Schedule object lifecycle and trigger this action to add new Learners to the appropriate session rosters.

To create and schedule sessions:

  1. Click into a Class Schedule object record from Business Admin > Objects or a custom object tab.
  2. In the Sessions section, click Create.
  3. In the Create Session dialog box, fill in the required details. If you select No for Is this a required session?, Vault disregards the session attendance when calculating completion.
  4. Select a value for Session Closure Criteria:
    • Session cannot be closed if there are incomplete Quizzes: All Learners must pass the Quiz prior to closing the session.
    • Session can be closed if there are incomplete Quizzes: Learners are not required to pass the Quiz.
  5. Click Save.

To add a quiz to a session:

  1. On required sessions, Select Yes for the Require Quiz? field on a required session.
  2. In the Quiz to Issue section of the Session object record, click Create to open the Create Session-Quiz Design dialog box. You can only select a Quiz for a required session, and you can only select one (1) quiz.
  3. Click into the Quiz Design field to search for and select a quiz design.
  4. Click Save.

Once you are satisfied with the details of the Class Schedule, you can move it to the Scheduled state. When a Class Schedule enters the Scheduled state, all affected Learners receive Vault notifications and emails about the upcoming scheduled training, including its name, start date, and end date. Vault adds all Learners to the sharing settings for the applicable training materials and the Class Schedule, Session, and Class Roster object records. Learners can view the task page for the classroom training.

Facilitating Classroom Training

The assigned Instructor for a Class Schedule object record is the facilitator for the classroom training.

How to Facilitate a QualityOne Training Class

To facilitate a scheduled classroom training in Vault:

  1. Click into a Class Schedule object record from Business Admin > Objects or a custom object tab.
  2. Select Change State to Class in Progress from the Workflow Actions menu..
  3. In the Sessions section, click into the first session of the class.
  4. In the Session Rosters section, click in the Learner Session Attendance Status column for each Learner and select either Present or Absent, as appropriate.
  5. Perform the classroom training.

If the session has a quiz:

  1. Click the Actions menu next to the quiz record in the Quiz To Issue section and select Issue Quiz to Learners.
  2. If the session was configured to allow the session to close with incomplete quizzes, you can move on to the next step. Otherwise, allow Learners time to complete the quiz. See How to Schedule a Class for more details.

To complete a session:

  1. From the Session record, select Change State to Session Completed from the Workflow Actions menu.
  2. Repeat the steps above for each remaining session.

To complete the class:

  1. Select Change State to Complete from the Workflow Actions menu to close the Class Schedule object record and complete the class.
  2. Optional: If the Class Schedule was configured with the Instructor sets Class Completion Status option, click in the Class Completion Status column in the Class Roster section and select a status for each Learner.
  3. Once the Class Completion Status is set, the Learner’s Training Assignment is either in the Completed state or in the Did Not Complete state. If the Learner’s Training Assignment is in the Did Not Complete state, the Learner must attend another class to get a completion credit for the Training Assignment.

Best Practices for Classroom Training Configuration

Classroom training is a highly configurable component of QualityOneTraining. Following the below guidelines can help prevent misconfiguration or unexpected behavior:

  • Classroom Training Assignment Impact: When you create a Class Schedule, documents from the Classroom Training Requirement are copied to it. Documents can be added or removed on the Class Schedule record. Even if all documents are removed from the Class Schedule, if the documents on the Classroom Training Requirement are updated, it impacts the Classroom Training Assignment.
  • Class Roster updates: QualityOne Training does not create Session Roster records automatically when you add a new Learner. The Update All Session Rosters action is available both as a user action and entry action. You must trigger this action to add Learners to the appropriate session rosters.
  • Part of Class: When you add a Learner to a Class Roster, the system is actually adding the Learner’s Training Assignment to the Class Roster. On the Training Assignment, the Part of Class (part_of_class__v) value is set to true, indicating that the Classroom Training Assignment is part of a class. This Classroom Training Assignment cannot be part of another Class Roster.
  • Classroom Training Requirement changes:
    • Evaluate the impact of a Classroom Training Requirement on open Training Assignments prior to moving it to the Retired state. If a Classroom Training Requirement record enters the Retired state (retired_state__v), any open Training Assignments are cancelled, even if the Training Assignment is part of a class (part_of_class__v= true).
    • For other cases where a Classroom Training Requirement is changed, such as its recurrence, document revision, or a document change, open Training Assignments are not cancelled if they are part of a class (their part_of_class__v value is True).
  • Do Not Re-Train: If the Do Not Re-Train field is set to Yes on the Training Requirement, there is an open Training Assignment, and the Training Assignment field Part of Class value is Yes (part_of_class__v=true), Vault still creates a new classroom Training Assignment. In future releases, an update will prevent Vault from creating an additional Training Assignment.
  • Quizzes: If a Quiz Design is updated on the Session-Quiz Design object join record, there is no indication to an Instructor to re-issue the quiz. The Instructor must re-perform the Make Available user action.

Configuring User Permissions

You must ensure users have the appropriate read and create permissions to access the appropriate objects and object fields in addition to the permissions outlined below:

  • Users require Create access to the Class Roster object and View access to Training Assignment records in order to add Class Roster records. The View access to Training Assignment records can be used by custom sharing or matching rules. For example, a custom sharing rule on Training Assignment that gives the Instructors group access to Training Assignment records. Another example would be a custom matching rule that matches the Training Assignment’s originating Training Requirement and the Class Schedule’s originating Training Requirement.
  • Learners must have View access to Class Schedule, Class Roster, Session, Session Roster, and Location objects.